El Maquinista (The Machinist) – Trevor (Christian Bale) is a factory machinist who lives most of the movie in a delusional state that is as much a mystery to him as it is to the audience. At the bitter end of the film all previous mysteries are suddenly cast in a new light using a poorly constructed montage of almost entirely new footage. The film plays less like a suspense thriller and more like the story told by a 6 year old child who has just learned that he can create any fanciful tale followed by “and he woke up and it was all a dream” magically tying up any lose ends. The acting and cinematography were quite superb but seem wasted on a film that just didn’t work for me. I look forward to seeing more by director Brad Anderson who brought us the truly excellent films: Happy Accidents (2000) and Next Stop Wonderland (1998) among others. 2/5 stars.